Six Nations Education Reports
The Six Nations Lifelong Learning Taskforce (LLTF) has been conducting research and engaging the Six Nations Community since early 2018. However, Six Nations’ Education Story doesn’t begin there.
Although research to date has been limited, the Lifelong Learning Taskforce is working towards conducted-needed engagements and studies to complete the education on Six Nations in order to better inform future recommendations.
Reports from Previous Initiatives
Date of Report: February 9, 2016
Author of Report: Luanne Martin
Author of Report: Claudine VanEvery-Albert
Date of Report: 1998
Author of Report: E. Sabourin
Date of Report: August 10, 1994
Author of Report: R. F. Jamieson
LLTF Reports
This Secondary School Feasibility School. The Original School will have the means to give every secondary school student at Six Nations something unique to their educational journey. It gives them choice, it gives them freedom to follow their inherent gifts (mental, artistic, athletic, or other capacities), it lets them experience a secondary school that understands them.
Through five pathways the Original School will stand for diversity of learning styles, educational pathways options, and more capacity building in our students for their personal growth and potential career development.
Author of Report: Richard Hill
This Wholistic Education paper provide a history and outlines the benefits of a move toward a school system or
an individual school that can be founded on natural child development, natural learning, sustainability,
our languages, our knowledges, and ways of being and doing while at the same time providing a
framework for child empowerment and meeting identified educational objectives through wholistic
teaching and learning.
Author of Report: Yakowenntoken & Karenni:yo
This report outlines the next steps required to begin mapping out an overall masterplan to make the Six Nations’ education ecosystem a reality.
The report includes recommendations for the next 20 years including key milestones, quick wins, ongoing community engagement, education system monitoring and decisions making.
Date of Report: April 6, 2019
Author of Report: Deloitte
The information provided in this report will guide and direct a plan to develop a lifelong learning (education) system that meets the needs of Six Nations’ learners and the community as a whole. This engagement report is a companion to the Deloitte Education Study, which was conducted during the final stages of data collection. All information collected through this study was provided to Deloitte to inform the development of a costed vision of a Six Nations’ lifelong learning education system.
Date of Report: February 2019
Author of Report: Connie McGregor OCT, MEd
This document provides a narrative on the journey Six Nations has already taken to develop their education story. It outlines historic events, efforts to date and Six Nations current status.
Date of Report: January 4, 2018
This summary is based on the Executive Summary of the Six Nations Education Study, which details the outcome of a study conducted in partnership between the Six Nations Lifelong Learning Taskforce (LLTF) and Deloitte to identify and cost an education system for Six Nations of the Grand River.
Date of Report: November 30, 2020
Author of Report: Julia Candlish, Education Manager
This report details the outcome of a study that identifies the cost of an education system for Six Nations of the Grand River. The scope of this study includes lifelong learning and encompasses the provision of daycare, K-12, post-secondary, adult education, and community learning.
The study had two key aims. First, to identify an education system that would meet the current and future needs for Six Nations, and second, to provide a high-level cost analysis that would identify potential funding needs.
Date of Report: January 4, 2018
Author of Report: Deloitte
This report provides insights from a current state assessment, the results of future state visioning, outlines must have requirements and a scenario analysis. The report also includes the technology solution and high-level roadmap for education at Six Nations that resulted from community engagement.
Date of Report: June 5, 2020
Author of Report: Deloitte
Date of Report: August 17, 2020
Author of Report: Marlene Finn Wolfman
Date of Report: September 22, 2020
Author of Report: Turtle Clan Management Consulting
Date of Report: April 2020
Author of Report: K. L. Martin & Associates Corp.
Date of Report: March 31, 2019
Author of Report: Onkwakara Communications & Consulting Inc.
This research on Haudenosaunee and Indigenous Special Education, includes analyses and recommendations on cultural and linguistic content and design. This report highlights a number of findings and themes as we look toward the future to create better education systems that serve the health, learning and well-being of the people of this great community.
Date of Report: September 28, 2020
Author of Report: Dawn T Maracle Consulting & Kevin V. Sandy Consulting
External Resources & Reports
Date of Report: 2015
Author of Report: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Date of Report: September 13, 2007
Author of Report: United Nations
Date of Report: November 21, 1996
Author of Report: Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
A statement on education developed by the National Indian Brotherhood (now known as the Assembly of First Nations) to be used as a basis for future common action in the area of education. It is a statement of the philosophy, goals, principles, and directions, which must form the foundation of any school program for Indian children.
Date of Report: 1972
Author of Report: National Indian Brotherhood