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The Lifelong Learning Taskforce (LLTF) is working towards fulfilment of their mandate using an information processing cycle of gathering information, sharing information, consolidating input and developing recommendations.
- Gather information
- Includes primary and secondary research
- Share information
- Hard copies, internet (social media, website), meetings (Taskforce, task teams), etc.
- Obtain input
- Includes task teams, workshops, Sharing Circles (focus groups), surveys, interviews, etc.
- Develop/Refine recommendations
- Incorporate input into recommended strategic plan
The recommendations are being developed in the form of a Strategic Plan. The LLTF website provides an opportunity for everyone to obtain information and provide input on each section of the Strategic Plan. Please feel free to browse any or all of the sections as your interest or expertise guides you.
Engage Online
Clicking on a section will provide you with a brief outline of the topic, the status of the recommendation(s), the target audience for engagement and a link to engagement opportunities. You will find some sections are at the beginning stages of recommendation development while others are in the final stages of refining the recommendation.
Mission and Vision
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
A mission statement supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and direction.
The vision statement focuses on the future and serves as a source of inspiration and motivation.
Early collaborative work with Deloitte on the Six Nations Education Study resulted in simple thoughts on a mission and vision for a lifelong learning education system at Six Nations. Since then discussions with the LLTF as well as thought leaders in the community have resulted in the following draft mission and vision statements.
- Draft Mission Statement
To create a culturally-based, community-centered lifelong learning and education ecosystem that supports all learners through innovative teaching methods to achieve the knowledge, skills, and values needed to live their good life, at all phases of their life. - Draft Vision Statement
A culturally-based, community-centered lifelong learning and education ecosystem at Six Nations of the Grand River is grounded in our ways of knowing and being and supports the process of learning from birth onwards. This ecosystem supports learners to live by Haudenosaunee values, exercise their gifts, and use a Good Mind, creating wellness and happiness in the community.
*Note – the term “ecosystem” refers to all of the various formal and informal learning environments in the community.
Status of recommendation(s)
We are currently in the process of refining the draft mission and vision statement.
What we need
We need people willing to review, evaluate, and suggest ways to improve the draft mission and vision statements.
Reviewing initial feedback – reposting the second version at a later date.
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The principles provide the grounding for all aspects of a lifelong learning education system that is designed by ourselves, for our people now and seven generations into the future. The principles provide a guide for evaluating the learning system and maintaining accountability to the community.
Discussions with the LLTF and thought leaders in the community were originally based on establishing a set of values to ground the work of the LLTF and have since evolved into a set of recommended principles for a lifelong learning education system. The draft principles are grounded in the Great Law of Peace and our cultural understanding of “A Good Mind”:
- The strength of our learning ecosystem comes from our Haudenosaunee language, culture and worldview, which propels us to strive for unity and universal justice.
- Haudenosaunee language and culture solidly ground and permeate all elements of the education and learning ecosystem.
- The integrity of our learning ecosystem is dependent on a community-based process built through Collectivity, Collaboration and Consistency, which requires collaboration and collective action from leaders, teachers, families and students.
- The education and learning ecosystem at Six Nations of the Grand River:
- Recognizes and remembers that the learning process is lifelong;
- Serves to help actualize the path and gifts of the individual learner;
- Exercises equity by balancing individual needs with collective responsibilities;
- Recognizes and nurtures kindness as an interpersonal skill that requires courage and strength and maintains a safe space for learners to practice kindness and caring;
- Employs kindness by setting and communicating clear boundaries and responsibilities, respecting confidentiality and demonstrating trustworthiness;
- Demonstrates reciprocity through recognition that participants assume both teaching and learning roles through sharing;
- Fosters respect for self, others (especially elders) and the world around us;
- Exercises compassion by treating learners as whole people;
- Approaches conflict through mutual respect and compassion;
- Acknowledges the responsibility of teachers, administration and learners must be an active participant in their own learning process;
- Encourages and values experiential learning by doing, reflecting, re-doing and building competency
Status of recommendation(s)
We are currently in the process of refining the draft principles.
What we need
We need people willing to review, evaluate, and suggest ways to improve the draft list of principles.
Reviewing initial feedback – reposting the second version at a later date.
A centrally coordinated system
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
According to recent research and engagement (as well as previous initiatives in the community) the establishment of a central coordination body would alleviate challenges of duplication and coordination of efforts and ensure consistency in supports offered for students, teachers, principals, and parents (see pages 24 & 32 of the Six Nations Education Study). We are currently considering the question, how might a centrally coordinated system for K-12 education benefit the students and the community as a whole?
Draft recommendations on a centrally coordinated system include:
- A central coordination unit will perform the enabling functions that will lead to the successful delivery of education. Suggested functions include:
- Finance
- Infrastructure and transportation
- Technology
- Human resources
- Payroll and procurement
- Mental health
- Culture & Language
- Technology
- Support staff (e.g. psychologists)
The central coordination unit will also provide a central hub for curriculum, professional development and research.
- Establish a central coordination unit to administer second level services to all elementary and secondary schools. The education authority would be responsible for establishing appropriate community-wide committees to represent the interests of parents, including parents of children with special needs.
Status of recommendation(s)
Recommendations are based on a thorough review of data including previous and recent research and some limited community engagement. The recommendations require much more community input before moving into final stages of refinement.
What we need
We need people willing to evaluate the recommendations for strengths and weaknesses and suggest ways to improve the recommendations or offer alternative ideas to address the challenges in the community.
Research and development
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 33) designates research and development as a key component of a lifelong learning education system for yielding information required to improve the teaching and learning process on an ongoing basis.
Status of recommendation(s)
The recommendation requires community input on agreement with research and development as a key component of a community developed, owned and operated learning system.
What we need
We need people willing to review the reasoning for including research and development as a key component and signify agreement or disagreement.
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 33) designates transportation as a key component of a lifelong learning education system. We currently have some research underway on this topic and engagement opportunities will be posted as needed. Research will review the current situation and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of keeping things the same. We will then obtain community input to determine all the ways we could address the weaknesses and shortcomings of the existing transportation system for K-12 education.
Status of recommendation(s)
Recommendations on this topic are not yet formulated.
What we need
We will need people willing to generate ideas based on the question – in what ways might we address the weaknesses and shortcomings of the existing transportation system for K-12 education?
Capital Plan
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 37) determined that there was a need for investment in capital infrastructure. This need is mainly due to continued under-investment in the existing schools and requirements for additional space.
The LLTF is currently seeking a consultant to develop a capital/infrastructure and land use plan that will build on previous work, incorporate community input and provide recommendations on O&M requirements for existing and recommended additional education capital and infrastructure as well as a recommended land and building plan for all building/renovation requirements for the K-12 education system.
Status of recommendation(s)
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 62) recommends the following capital requirements for the K-12 education ecosystem. Please note – the capital infrastructure plan will look at all the needs and develop a plan, which may or may not recommend separate buildings for all of the following:
- Education Coordination Unit (office building)
- Replacement of all 5 federal schools
- Everlasting Tree School – new building, and upgrades to existing building
- Kawení:io/Gaweniyo Private School – building
- High School – building
- Language Learning Centre – building
These recommendations are preliminary and require a considerable amount of analysis and community engagement before refining for the K-12 Education Strategy.
What we need
We need people to work with the consultant to review and clarify the capital infrastructure challenge and engage in “big picture” thinking to create ideas and possibilities.
Secondary School
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
A large majority of high school students receive their secondary education off reserve through annual tuition payments to external (provincial) school boards. The Six Nations Education Study (p. 24) and previous engagement with the community reveals a desire for Six Nations of the Grand River to establish a high school as part of the education ecosystem within the community in order to improve the education experience for students. The idea is to establish an alternative secondary education option that is based on our language and culture, which fosters a strong sense of Haudenosaunee identity for learners and prepares them well to achieve their personal aspirations.
Status of recommendation(s)
The recommendation to establish our own secondary school in the community is strong; however, it requires more analysis and engagement to add detail that is more specific. Current research and engagement is answering questions about community demand, confirming the delivery model, clarifying costs for planning, construction and operations, etc.
What we need
We need people willing to work with the LLTF to evaluate information as it is gathered and improve and refine ideas to get the solution (recommendation) “just right” for our community.
Spiritual, mental and physical health
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 22) designates spiritual, mental and physical health as a key component of a lifelong learning education system as a means to improve the services available to every K-12 student and provide greater support for student success and wellbeing.
Status of recommendation(s)
Early stages. The recommendation requires more detail regarding what might be all the ways we can address the challenge of supporting the spiritual, mental and physical health of students.
What we need
We need strategic thinkers to identify gaps, see opportunities and generate ideas.
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 25 & 37) designates extracurricular activities as a key component of a lifelong learning education system. An extracurricular budget will allow for Six Nations learners to be able to participate in important activities as well as have the proper equipment. This will include support for areas such as student programming, lacrosse, canoes, team uniforms, and tournaments.
Status of recommendation(s)
The recommendation requires more engagement to add detail and specifics regarding what is needed to support extracurricular activities in schools.
What we need
We need evaluative thinkers to add detail and specifics to this recommendation.
Special Education
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study designates Special Education (p. 37) as a key component of a lifelong learning education system. An increased budget for Special Education will enable hiring more Education Assistants, Special Education Resource Teachers and special equipment and technology to ensure we provide the support that students with special needs require to succeed. The LLTF contracted consultants in early 2020 to conduct a review and analysis of the current landscape of Special Education at Six Nations to identify promising practices, gaps and needs across the various schools and overall lifelong learning ecosystem of Six Nations of the Grand River. The recommendations formulated in this research require further refinement through continued community engagement on the topic.
Status of recommendation(s)
Recommendations require refinement.
What we need
We need evaluative thinkers to improve and refine ideas to get the solution (recommendation) “just right” for our community.
High Quality Teaching and Support Staff
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 23) designates high quality teaching and support staff as a key component of a lifelong learning education system to ensure we will have well qualified teachers and staff who have a deep understanding of our language and culture and competitive pay and benefits. Investment in developing new teachers in the form of a teacher development program will provide a constant flow of new teachers.
Status of recommendation(s)
The recommendation is currently very broad and requires more details and specifics as well as refinement.
What we need
We need strategic thinkers to identify gaps and imaginative thinkers to generate ideas and create possibilities for further consideration.
Information Management and Technology
Topic Outline
The Six Nations Education Study (p. 29) designates information management and technology as a key component of a lifelong learning education system and recommends that Six Nations obtain funding to undertake additional research technology requirements (p. 68).
The LLTF contracted consultants in early 2020 to undertake additional research and community engagement to obtain clear recommendations on information management and technology. The outcomes recommend a phased-transition plan as a technology solution (see page 104 of the Six Nations Education Technology Assessment Final Report)
Status of recommendation(s)
Target audience
What we need
Funding Formula
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
A recommended funding formula for the K-12 education system is required in order to project accurate costs related to the operating the system. Adequate, sustainable and predictable funding year after year is required to enable the system to evolve towards the community vision for education.
Status of recommendation(s)
This recommendation requires clarification on details and specifics of many of the recommended components of the K-12 education system. We have developed a starting point for discussions on a funding formula based on the information we have gathered to date. A K-12 Funding Formula Task Team under the LLTF will guide the development of the recommended funding formula through input from the community and industry experts.
What we need
We need strategic thinkers, imaginative thinkers and evaluative thinkers to review and build on the information we have to create a recommended funding formula that will meet the needs of our learners now and into the future.
Funding Transfer Mechanism
Topic Outline
Information and community input to date indicates we are looking to hold the federal government accountable for funding education at Six Nations via the establishment of a funding transfer mechanism directly from the federal government (Treasury Board) to a stand-alone education entity established at Six Nations.
Status of recommendation(s)
Options are in development and will be vetted for legal soundness prior to community input.
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
What we need
We need evaluative thinkers to improve and refine ideas to get the solution (recommendation) “just right” for our community.
Governance Model and Operational Structure
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
Core values and principles are reflected in the organization and governance structure
Governance, accountability and organization are key elements of the target operating model outlined in the Six Nations Education Study (p. 25). Previous community engagement on K-12 education provides rich information on ideas previously generated.
Status of recommendation(s)
A K-12 Governance Task Team under the LLTF will review and analyze previous work done in this area and will guide the development of a starting point for discussion with community engagement to follow.
What we need
We need strategic thinkers, imaginative thinkers and evaluative thinkers to review and build on the information we have to create a recommended governance, accountability and operational structure for the K-12 education system.
Quality Assurance (System, Staff, Learners)
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
There is currently very little data available to support the analysis on school performance. The Six Nations Education Study 2018 calls for design and development of a quality assurance program that includes academic and non academic components and clear definitions and standards for quality. It is anticipated that the quality assurance program will guide reviews of the K-12 education system and be the basis for action plans to address quality gaps.
Status of recommendation(s)
The recommendation requires a thorough analysis of current practices, promising practices and community input. A consultant will be hired to carry out this work in partnership with the LLTF.
What we need
We need strategic thinkers to identify gaps, see opportunities and generate ideas.
Transition Plan – Timelines And Milestones
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
Work to date on the development of recommendations for a community-based K-12 education system indicate a need for a phased approach to implementation. Therefore, the LLTF is developing a recommended implementation plan to round out recommendations to the community.
Status of recommendation(s)
Recommendations on a transition plan require most other recommendations to be in the final stages of formulation.
What we need
Tactical thinkers are required to finalize these recommendations.
Student Success
Target audience
Parents (Caregivers), Educators, learners (students), community members
Topic Outline
Many documents reviewed and produced for use in developing recommendations for a community-based K-12 education system refer to improving or increasing student success. It is therefore important for us to express, as fully as we can, how we define the term – student success. Defining terms is very important to ensure clarity for the recommendations.
Status of recommendation(s)
The draft definition of student success was developed by thoroughly reviewing and synthesizing information such as, previous documents produced at Six Nations, more recent documents produced through the Lifelong Learning Taskforce, scholarly articles related to student success, and several discussions on the topic, including input of the participants of the Lifelong Learning Taskforce. We now wish to obtain additional community input to inform further development and refining of the draft recommendation.
What we need
We need evaluative thinkers to improve and refine the draft ideas captured to develop a community-centered definition for student success.
If you are having technical issues with going online to Six Nations Ethelo Engagement, you can also download the PDF version of the survey, and e-mail a completed copy to
If you have reviewed the various opportunities to get involved in the work to develop recommendations to the community on Phase I (K-12 Education System) of the Lifelong Learning Taskforce initiative and wish to share your thoughts about what may be missing as an opportunity for engagement, please outline your thoughts here. They will be reviewed by the Education Coordination Office and acted upon accordingly.